Two tanks destroyed in Gaza, 16 Israeli soldiers killed in one day

16 Israeli soldiers killed

16 Israeli soldiers killed:Fighters of the pro-independence group Hamas destroyed two Israeli tanks in Gaza, Palestine.It was destroyed with the help of ‘Yasin-105′ rocket, Hamas’ Izzaddin Qassam Brigade said on Wednesday.

The Izzaddin Qassam Brigades said a tank was destroyed in the Hajar-Aldiq area of ​​the Gaza Strip border. There, the occupying forces were forced to retreat due to one rocket after another. The Times of Israel reported on Wednesday that 16 Israeli soldiers killed in a ground operation in Gaza on Tuesday.

The occupying forces are facing heavy losses in various parts of Gaza. According to Israeli media, in the last 24 hours, an armored vehicle was destroyed by a Hamas rocket and 7 occupation soldiers lost their lives in Gaza. Source: Anadolu Agency , Times of Israel

16 Israeli soldiers killed

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