20 thousand 773 home observers will monitor the vote

20 thousand 773 domestic observers will monitor the vote

20 thousand 773 home observers will monitor the vote. 517 central and 20 thousand 256 area stage observers will observe the vote within the twelfth Nationwide Meeting election. On Thursday (December 28), Election Fee Secretariat Director (Public Relations) stated. This approval was knowledgeable in a letter signed by Shariful Alam.

It’s stated that 517 folks from 40 monitoring organizations will monitor the vote centrally and 20 thousand 256 observers from 84 monitoring organizations regionally. A complete of 20 thousand 773 home observers will observe the National Assembly election this time.

The letter additionally says that the variety of observers of those remark organizations shall be decided wherein upazila of which district wherein constituency. Solely central observers shall be given identification playing cards and automobile stickers from the Election Commission Secretariat. The identification card and car sticker of the licensed native observers must be collected from the workplace of the respective Returning Officer.

20 thousand 773 home observers will monitor the vote

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