8 thousand women die of breast cancer annually

8 thousand women die of breast cancer annually My News Bangladesh

The number of women suffering from and dying of breast cancer is increasing at an alarming rate in the country. Statistics show that about 13,000 new women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Bangladesh every year. Among them, about 8 thousand died.

In a press conference at the National Press Club on Sunday morning, Bangladesh Breast Cancer Awareness Forum, a front of 30 voluntary organizations working on breast cancer, gave this information. Experts are concerned that the death rate is much higher than the infected.

The founder and chief coordinator of the forum is Professor Dr. Md. Habibullah Talukder Raskin said, ‘Lack of awareness about breast cancer among the general public, shyness of women and late visit to the doctor is one of the reasons for the increase in mortality.’

He said, Breast cancer is the top silent killer of women worldwide. Every year about 13 thousand women are newly diagnosed with this cancer in Bangladesh. About 8 thousand women died. That is, the death rate is very worrying compared to the infected.

Stating the lack of awareness, he said, there is no national strategy, action plan and program for breast cancer prevention, early diagnosis and cancer screening.

Cancer screening is a simple and painless procedure to detect hidden cancers in at-risk women even if they don’t have symptoms. 90 percent of patients can be cured if breast cancer is diagnosed in the early stage through screening and given full treatment on time.

Dr. Raskin also said, ‘The sad thing is that we are far behind in timely treatment. As a result, three-fourths of the patients are diagnosed at the last stage of the disease.

The health author Professor Dr. was present as a special guest in the event. Shubhagat Chowdhury. At the time, he said, ‘There has been a lot of progress in the health sector. But cancer is lagging behind the most. We have not progressed in this sector. As a result, many people are going abroad for cancer treatment. The world has come a long way in cancer treatment. As a result, cancer is no longer death.

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