Action will be taken against those who create anarchy during political programmes: home minister

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan today said law enforcement agencies would take necessary action against those attempting to create anarchy or public suffering in the name of holding political programmes.

“We always request political parties not to hold rallies on the streets. Yet, they hold rallies [on the streets], [and so] they have to take responsibility for any risk,” he said while talking to reporters at his office at the Secretariat.

For parties insisting on holding rallies on streets, the minister urged them to prioritise peace and security issues.

He requested all political parties to refrain from engaging in violent activities and causing public suffering.

No political party has received permission for the rallies yet, and the decision to grant permission will be made by the commissioner of the metropolitan city, Asaduzzaman said.

The home boss said both Awami League and BNP will be allowed to hold their programmes under certain conditions that will be applicable to both parties.

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