Donald Trump fined for contempt of court

Donald Trump fined for contempt of court My News Bangladesh

Former US President Donald Trump has been fined 5 lakh 51 thousand 202 rupees for contempt of court.Earlier, Judge Arthur F. Ngoron had warned Trump that he could face stiff penalties. If he disobeys the order again, he may face imprisonment. News from New York Times.

Trump released a poster on social media harassing Justice Department employee Alice Greenfield. It involved Chuck Shue with Greenfield. Trump claimed that Greenfield had an ‘illegal relationship’ with Chuck Shue. After the publication of the offending poster, Judge Ngoron reprimanded him severely and ordered the removal of the post.After Trump’s poster was released, a Shu spokeswoman said it was “ridiculous, absurd and false and intentional” at the same time.

Judge Ngoron ordered the post to be removed from Trump’s own social tradia media platform, Truth Social, on October 3. But he was reluctant to remove the post from his campaign website. Trump’s representatives also removed the post from the website around 10 pm US time last Thursday.

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Christopher M. Trump’s lawyer in court on Friday about the post. Keys said the post was ‘unintentional’. At this time, he apologized on behalf of the former president of the United States.

Because of this, in a new order today, Judge Ngoron said, ‘Trump has been repeatedly warned by the court. It has been said that he may face severe punishment for intentional or unintentional contempt of court. Trump was fined 5 lakh 51 thousand 202 rupees for allegedly harassing a female judicial employee through this unintentional post.

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