Hamas declares 1000 Israeli military vehicles destroyed in Gaza in 100 days

Hamas declares 1000 Israeli military vehicles destroyed in Gaza in 100 days

Hamas declares 1000 Israeli military vehicles destroyed in Gaza in 100 days.Since October 7 of the previous year, Zionist Israel has been repeatedly and without discrimination assaulting the Gaza Strip of Palestine, which is now under blockade. It is estimated that over 24,000 Palestinians lost their lives there during this time period. There were sixty thousand people hurt.

It has been claimed by the Palestinian resistance organization Hamas that throughout the protracted conflict that has been going on in Gaza for one hundred days, almost one million Israeli military vehicles have been destroyed or damaged.

It was in a statement that was released on Sunday that the Qassam Brigades, who are the military branch of Hamas, made the assertion.
Under the leadership of Abu Obaida, a spokesperson for the Qassam battalions, Hamas battalions have carried out “hundreds of successful military operations” over the course of the last one hundred days.

A further statement that he made was that the struggle against the invading soldiers was growing ‘day by day’. The adversary Israel and its allies are now in flames as a consequence of this.

Furthermore, Abu Obaidah expressed his disapproval of the Israeli government’s assertions that it had achieved some success in the military onslaught in Gaza.

The alleged achievements that Israel has announced in terms of controlling or destroying Hamas weapons depots, ready-to-launch missile platforms, and several kilometers of tunnels are ridiculous… and the day will come when we will prove that these claims are false,” he warned. “We will bring these claims to an end.”

Hamas declares 1000 Israeli military vehicles destroyed in Gaza in 100 days

Hamas declares 1000 Israeli military vehicles destroyed in Gaza in 100 days Hamas declares 1000 Israeli military vehicles destroyed in Gaza in 100 days

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