Independent Palestinian State Is The Solution To The Ongoing Conflict: UN Secretary-General

Independent Palestinian State Is The Solution To The Ongoing Conflict UN Secretary-General My News Bangladesh

At least 352 more Palestinian were killed in 24 hours by Israel’s bombardment in Gaza. The number of Palestinians killed has reached 4,385. 70 percent of the dead are women and children.

The Israel-Hamas conflict has entered the 16th day. Israeli airstrikes and bombardments continue in the ruins of the devastated Gaza.

At least 30 percent of Gaza’s homes have been destroyed. Thousands of people have become homeless. 8 percent of those injured and burned in the attack were children. However, due to the shortage of medical supplies, it is not possible to provide first aid services including dressings. Israel has already ordered the evacuation of Al-Quds Hospital.

In addition to ordinary Gazans, aid workers and media workers working in the area are also losing their lives in the airstrikes. At least 22 journalists have been killed in the conflict so far. Among the journalists killed were 18 Palestinians, three Israelis and one Lebanese citizen. On the other hand, 64 health workers lost their lives while helping common people in the war.

After the Rafah crossing was finally opened, 20 aid trucks entered Gaza. However, compared to the need, this relief is very insignificant, the United Nations said. It is also not yet clear how long the Rafah crossing will remain open.

Hamas freed two US citizens out of nearly 200 hostages with the mediation of Qatar. However, Hamas official Osama Hamdan warned in a live televised news conference from Lebanon that the hostage Israeli soldiers would not be released until the aggression in Gaza was stopped.

Fearing a major attack on Israel from Lebanon, Israel is preparing for war in the Gaza Strip as well as on the Lebanese border. Army bases have been built there as well as heavy weapons and armored vehicles. Hezbollah, an armed group on the Lebanese border, said Israel would pay a heavy price if it launched a ground offensive.

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Arab leaders as well as other world leaders called for a ceasefire at the peace conference in Cairo to end the war. At the conference, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni commented that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state is the solution to the ongoing conflict. The Italian Prime Minister then arrived in Tel Aviv to hold a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In addition, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said at the peace conference that the Palestinians will not leave their territory and go anywhere.

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