Israel allows limited daily fuel entry into Gaza

Israel allows limited daily fuel entry into Gaza

Israel allows limited daily fuel entry into Gaza.An official of the United States Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that about 140,000 liters of fuel will be allowed to enter every two days. Most of the fuel will be used for relief trucks, he said, while some will be given to help the United Nations clean up water and debris. 

The rest will be used to run mobile phone and internet services. These services are suspended due to lack of fuel in Gaza. The company that provides telecommunications and internet services to Gaza said on Friday that its service had resumed after receiving some fuel from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRA.

The US official said that Washington exerted significant pressure on Israel to advance the energy deal. He said the deal was agreed in principle a couple of weeks ago, but Israel delayed ratifying it for two reasons. Israeli officials have told the United States that Gaza has not run out of fuel in the south and they want to see if they can negotiate a deal to free the hostages first. 

UNRA’s chief warned on Thursday that the lack of fuel could force the agency to suspend all operations. In the latest report, the agency said, they need ‘160,000 liters of fuel per day to continue basic humanitarian activities ‘. This demand is twice the amount of fuel that Israel is allowed to send to Gaza each day.

An Israeli official said the approved new fuel would enter southern Gaza via the UN via the Rafah crossing and be used by civilians, not Hamas. He said that these fuels will provide ‘minimum’ support to water supply, sewage and garbage disposal. He also said that this step has been taken to prevent the spread of the epidemic across the region.

Meanwhile, the crown prince of the Gulf Arab state of Bahrain called on Israel and Hamas to exchange prisoners. He believes that this could lead to an end to the war in the Gaza Strip. Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa raised the issue of two states to solve the crisis and said that the United States is essential for this. He said, now is the time to speak directly. 

He called on Hamas to release Israeli women and children held hostage in Gaza. In return, he urged Israel to release its civilian prisoners, women and children. 

He said, its purpose is so that people can collect food , bury the dead. And the most important thing is that people can question the beginning of today’s crisis from any failure. Qatar is leading an effort to mediate between Hamas and Israeli officials to secure the release of more than 240 hostages. Sunni-dominated Bahrain established ties with Israel under the US-brokered Abraham Accords in 2020. 

Israel allows limited daily fuel entry into Gaza

Israel allows limited daily fuel entry into Gaza Israel allows limited daily fuel entry into Gaza Israel allows limited daily fuel entry into Gaza

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