Media may fall under US visa policy: Peter Haas

Media may fall under US visa policy Peter Haas

The United States has announced the imposition of US visa policy restrictions against those who obstruct the democratic election process in Bangladesh. The US ambassador to Dhaka, Peter D. Haas, said the media may also be included under this ban.

He said this in an interview while visiting the office of private television channel 24 today. He said, ‘Visa ban will be applied against anyone who obstructs the election, government party, opposition party, law enforcement, members of the judiciary or media workers.’

He said that this visa ban would be applied in the interest of fair elections. However, he did not say anything about how many people have been banned from visas. Peter Haas says, ‘It’s not the numbers; it’s the message that matters. We are doing this for the sake of fair elections.’

Family members of those who have obstructed the democratic process will also be included in the visa ban list, he said. He also said, ‘US visa policy is not an interference on any independent country.’

On Friday, the US State Department said in a statement that visa bans would be imposed against those who obstructed the democratic election process in Bangladesh. Members of Bangladesh’s law enforcement agencies and ruling and opposition political parties are under the ban, the statement said.

The statement also said that US visa policy sanctions may be imposed against those responsible for or involved in obstructing a fair election process. The list will include current and former government officials of Bangladesh, members of law enforcement agencies, members of ruling and opposition political parties, and members of the judiciary and security forces.

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