No disharmony amongst commissioners: EC Ahsan Habib

No disharmony among commissioners EC Ahsan Habib My News Bangladesh

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal has despatched a ‘idea letter’ to media editors relating to the election setting. Election Commissioner (EC) Brigadier Basic (Retd.) Ahsan Habib Khan mentioned in response to the query that there’s solely a misunderstanding between the commissioners relating to this idea paper, honorable commissioner Mahaday spoke about it. My level is – there isn’t a inconsistency between us. In fact there may be an election setting. In fact there’s a voting ambiance within the nation.

He mentioned these items whereas leaving the election fee constructing on Tuesday morning.

Different commissioners say that evaluation of CEC’s idea paper is only private. The Election Fee has nothing to do with it. Different Election Commissioners are unaware of this and don’t agree with the CEC’s evaluation. Though the CEC’s assertion was sought on this matter, he refused to speak to the media.

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