The BNP rally is going on at the two entrances of Dhaka

The BNP rally is going on at the two entrances of Dhaka My News Bangladesh

The rally of BNP has started at the two entrances of Dhaka with one-point demands including the release of BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia who is undergoing treatment in the hospital, the resignation of the government, the establishment of a non-partisan neutral government.

The rally started on Friday (September 22) at 3 pm at Jatrabari’s Shahid Farooq Road organized by Dhaka Metropolitan South BNP. On the other hand, at the same time, a rally was started by Dhaka Metropolitan North BNP next to Abdullahpur Paulwell Super Market.

BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas is the chief guest at the Jatrabari rally. Besides, the BNP Standing Committee member Abdul Moin Khan along with the leaders of the party’s executive committee are present on the stage in the rally. On the other hand, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir will address the Abdullahpur rally as the chief guest.

It can be seen from the ground meeting place, about hundreds of thousands of leaders and activists have participated in the two rallies of BNP. They are chanting banners, festoons and other slogans demanding Khaleda Zia’s release from the rally. The law and order forces in plain clothes, including the police, have taken a cautious position to avoid unpleasant situations surrounding the two rallies of BNP. At the same time, various police vehicles including prison vans have been kept near the gathering place.

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