Using mosquito repellent led to government fraud

Using mosquito repellent led to government fraud My News Bangladesh

Using mosquito repellent led to government fraud. The government is bringing famine to the country, says Public Rights Council president Nurul Haque Noor. Trickery can no longer keep Sheikh Hasina in power.

People’s Rights Parishad Dhaka Metropolitan South organized a rally against the failure of the City Corporation to control dengue in front of the National Press Club on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Noor said in the gathering before the Mashari march, “Last night, the European Union of 27 countries passed a resolution expressing concern over the continued human rights violations, suppression of dissent, and harassment of human rights workers in Bangladesh. The West, including the United States and the United Kingdom, repeatedly talks about free and fair elections. If the government does not hold fair elections, foreigners will isolate the government internationally by imposing sanctions.’

As a result of the ban on foreigners, the government must resign and fair elections should be held under a neutral government.

The government has also committed fraud to cover up the fraud of buying mosquito repellent, said Noor, referring to the danger of dengue in the country. I bought mosquito repellent from a bogus company. Liars, cheaters, liars. The increase in commodity prices crushes people’s lives. People will get nothing from them. We will solve our problems one by one by removing this illegal government and establishing a people’s government.

Abdus Salam, Dhaka Metropolitan South BNP convener, said, “Sheikh Hasina no longer has to buy boxes for 200 taka.”. There will be no understanding. The government is called a vote thief throughout the country and abroad. Elections in the last two years were canceled. Let’s at least give them the opportunity to vote this time.

The People’s Rights Council general secretary, Muhammad Rashed Khan, said, “People die from dengue without treatment, but the general secretary of the Awami League is in Singapore for treatment.” Two mayors of Dhaka failed to control dengue. The Prime Minister said don’t cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to America. He’s going to New York tomorrow. They spend money and money to stay in power, they go abroad with a huge fleet, the people in the country are dying without food, there is no control in the market.’

People’s Rights Council Mashari procession passed through Paltan junction and ended at the Vijayanagar water tank junction after the rally.

It was moderated by Senior Joint General Secretary Suhel Rana under the chairmanship of Advocate Nazim Uddin, President of Gana Adhikar Parishad Dhaka Metropolitan South, Advocate Noore Ershad Siddiqui, former Joint Convener Sohrab Hossain, President (Acting) of Student Rights Council Tarikul. Manjur Morshed Mamun, president of the Islam and Youth Rights Council.

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