Won’t protest, have no mental disorder: University in India wants undertaking from students

Won’t protest, have no mental disorder

The South Asian University (SAU) in New Delhi has asked the students seeking admission in the fresh academic session to give an undertaking that they will not participate in agitations or go on any strike.

The university also wants the admission seekers to give a separate undertaking that they are not suffering from any “psychiatric or psychological disorder,” reports our New Delhi correspondent.

Students termed the undertakings “discriminatory” but said the university was leaving them with no choice but to sign it.

“It is against the democratic principles of our country… If we don’t sign it, we will not get admission here,” a student said.

One of the 13 points listed in the undertaking reads: “I hereby declare that I will neither join in any agitation/ strike for the purpose of forcing the authorities of the University to resolve any problem, nor will I participate in any activity which has a tendency to disturb the peace and tranquility of academic environment of the SAU campus/or its Hostel premises.”

The SAU had witnessed prolonged protests by its students last year to press for higher stipends and fair representation in redressal committees, among other things.

Four SAU professors were suspended last week on the charge of allegedly inciting student protests.

The undertaking also states, “I also declare that I am not suffering from any serious/ contagious ailment and/or any psychiatric/psychological disorder.”

The SAU was announced at the 13th SAARC Summit held in Dhaka in November 2005 and established in 2010 by its eight member-countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

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