300000 people protest in London in support of Palestine

300000 people protest in London in support of Palestine

300,000 people protest in London in support of Palestine.The British media BBC reported this information in a report on Sunday (November 26).Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Muslim Association of Britain, Stop the War Coalition, Palestinian Forum in Britain and several organizations have organized this largest protest march last Saturday (November 18).

According to reports, hundreds of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched in the heart of London calling for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. This is the first demonstration in London since the temporary ceasefire in Gaza.

Police said some people who took part in the protest were arrested. However, the ‘majority’ of protesters protested lawfully on the day.

London’s Metropolitan Police said around 1,500 law enforcement officers were deployed around London in response to the protests. Demonstrators were given leaflets warning about words or images that could break the law.

Demonstrators carrying Palestinian flags were seen carrying placards demanding a permanent ceasefire in the conflict.

Meanwhile, according to the cease-fire agreement, Israel released another 39 Palestinians imprisoned at around 1 am local time on Saturday (November 25). This was confirmed by the Israeli prison authorities.

About two hours ago, Hamas released 13 Israeli citizens. In addition to this, the Palestinian independence group has demanded the release of four foreign nationals.

13 Israelis and four foreign nationals have been handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross, Qatar’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Majed Al-Ansari wrote in an X-Post.

A four-day temporary ceasefire began in the Palestinian Gaza Strip on Friday (November 24) morning. The Qatar-brokered ceasefire halted Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

According to the ceasefire agreement, Hamas released 13 Israelis and 12 Thai citizens at 4 pm local time on the first day. Two and a half hours later, Israel released 39 Palestinian prisoners from prison.

300000 people protest in London in support of Palestine

300000 people protest in London in support of Palestine 300000 people protest in London in support of Palestine 300000 people protest in London in support of Palestine

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