BNP and Jamaat’s strike left the capital empty

BNP and Jamaat's strike left the capital empty My News Bangladesh

BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami called the strike, since Sunday morning, the streets of Dhaka city are seen quite empty. A limited number of vehicles are seen moving there. A small number of buses including BRTC buses ply. Few private cars ply. But rickshaws are plying on every road.

BNP has called a morning-evening hartal across the country accusing the police and the ruling Awami League leaders and activists of attacking their mass gathering. Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and some other like-minded political parties have called a strike today.

Through this, the opposition parties returned to the strike program after three years and eight months.The general secretary of the party, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, announced the strike on Sunday from the stage of the grand meeting in Nayapaltan around 3:30 pm on Saturday. After this, the rally activities practically stopped.

Even though Mirza Alamgir was supposed to deliver the president’s address in the rally, he could not deliver it.On the other hand, the ruling Awami League strongly criticized the strike program of BNP and announced to be in the field today to resist it.

The general secretary of the party announced the program of peace rally across the country today from the Awami League rally in Dhaka.

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