Remittance is lowest in 41 months

Remittance is lowest in 41 months My News Bangladesh

The dollar crisis in the country is not going away. As a result, Bangladesh Bank is supplying US currency to commercial banks to keep the country’s foreign exchange market stable. Meanwhile, remittance flows have declined. The reserve is decreasing day by day.

Expatriate income also decreased in the recently departed September. Last month, the remittance received was 134 crore 36 lakh 60 thousand US dollars. In Bangladeshi currency, the amount of which is about 14 thousand 712 crore taka. This is the lowest in the last 41 months.

Earlier in April 2020, expatriate Bangladeshis sent 1,092,960,000 dollars. After that, before September, there was no such low remittance in any other month.

This information was found in the updated report of Bangladesh Bank on Sunday (October 1). It is said that in the recently concluded September, remittance to the country reached 134 crore 36 lakh 60 thousand dollars. It was 153 crore 96 lakh dollars in the same month last year.

Out of this, 11.86 million 60 thousand dollars came through the State Bank and 3.51 million dollars through the specialized bank. Besides, 118 crore 48 lakh 40 dollars came through private banks and 50 lakh 60 thousand dollars through foreign banks.

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