Strict action if violence is committed in the name of political agenda: DMP Commissioner

Strict action if violence is committed in the name of political agenda DMP Commissioner My News Bangladesh

Dhaka Metropolitan Police DMP Commissioner Habibur Rahman has warned that if violence is attempted in the name of any political program, it will be suppressed with strict hands. He said that the safety of people’s life and property will be ensured by any means.

The DMP Commissioner said these things on Saturday afternoon after inspecting the activities of the MRT police engaged in the security of the metro rail in Agargaon.

The commissioner said any political program is a democratic right. However, if anyone tries to create a violent situation under the cover of the programme, and if it poses a threat to the safety of people’s lives and property, it will be strictly suppressed.

The country’s first metro rail was inaugurated on December 28 last year. For security, 350 members of DMP including members of Ansar took care of security with MRT for so long, but later specialized MRT police took over its responsibility.

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The DMP Commissioner said that the MRT will operate inside the police station. Any legal work will be done by Dhaka Metropolitan Police.

The DMP Commissioner also requested the city residents not to listen to the rumors by saying that any attempt to spread rumors through social media or in any other way will be resisted.

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