When you get on the expressway, it feels like Europe, when you get down it is poor: Obaidul Quader

Obaidul Quader My News Bangladesh

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader commented that Dhaka looks like Europe when you get on the elevated expressway and poor when you go down. He said, ‘When you get on the elevated expressway from the airport, Dhaka feels like Europe. And when we get off, our buses look poor. Worn out, tin of clothes running. Written on the body “I walk in the name of Allah”.

Obaidul Quader said these things in the speech of the chief guest at the safe road day discussion meeting at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the capital on Sunday. The meeting was organized by the Road Transport and Highways Department.

Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader criticized the state of public transport in the capital and said, ‘It is worn out and worn out. “I walk in the name of Allah” written on it. And go into the ditch or on the neighboring island. I will tell the owner association, how do these cars move in Dhaka city?’

Obaidul Quader advised the bus owners to repair the buses and keep them beautiful. He expressed some anger and said, ‘How many times have I said this. What is the benefit? I talked a lot. If words do not turn into action, there is no value.’

Obaidul Quader commented that the road built with crores of taka is being destroyed due to lack of load control station. He said, 27 load control stations are in the project. Doing these is the first duty. How many has it been?

ABM Amin Ullah Noori, Secretary of Road Transport and Highways Department, said from his seat, “The work is over at 12 o’clock.” In response, Obaidul Quader said, ‘The work is finished, it is not being implemented. What is the use of 12 o’clock if people do not get benefits?’

Obaidul Quader pointed out that although the court has banned the movement of easy bikes, Nachiman-Karimon on 22 roads, it has not been stopped. Easybike stops when I visit, starts when I leave. Nachiman-Kariman went small, when he tried to stop, there was an obstacle from the public representatives. People’s representatives said, where will the poor people go? No one wants to waste votes in vote politics.’
Obaidul Quader informed that the problem of driving license is on the way to be solved after a long delay, said, ‘These are basic, they have to be solved.’ At this time, he looked at BRTA Chairman Noor Mohammad Majumdar and said with a smile, ‘Chairman needs a promotion. He is depressed due to lack of promotion. This is why the driving license is delayed.’

Regarding the implementation of road transport, Obaidul Quader said, ‘I made the road transport law. But the implementation process has been delayed so much, it is sad. There is a law, but there is no enforcement, what is the need for such a law?’

Under the chairmanship of Road Transport and Highways Department Secretary ABM Amin Ullah Noori, Road Transport and Bridges Ministry-Related Standing Committee President Roshan Ara Mannan, Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation President Shajahan Khan, Bangladesh Road Transport Association President Moshiur Rahman, Bangladesh Highway Additional IGP of Police Shahabuddin Khan, Safe Road Chai (NISCHA) Chairman Elias Kanchan, Bangladesh Road Transport Owners Association Secretary General Khandaker Enayet Ullah and Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation General Secretary Osman Ali.

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